- autopalatine
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English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
autopalatine — a paired deep bone on the roof of the mouth, lateral to the prevomer (or vomer). Often called palatines. Usually overlain by the dermal, often tooth bearing bone, the dermopalatine … Dictionary of ichthyology
autopalatine — noun A paired bone in the roof of the mouth of fish … Wiktionary
os palatinum — (plural ossa palatina)) palatine (a paired, endochondral bone on the roof of the mouth lateral to the (pre) vomer. Properly called the autopalatine since it has a double nature, being covered ventrally by the dermal dermopalatine, which is often… … Dictionary of ichthyology
palatine — a paired, endochondral bone on the roof of the mouth lateral to the (pre) vomer. Properly called the autopalatine since it has a double nature, being covered ventrally by the dermal dermopalatine, which is often dentigerous. The palatine is… … Dictionary of ichthyology
dentigerous palatine — superficial bone bearing teeth covering the autopalatine … Dictionary of ichthyology
dermopalatine — the paired dermal bone covering the undersurface of the autopalatines (q.v.) which are commonly called palatines, especially when the dermopalatine and autopalatine fuse … Dictionary of ichthyology
epimandibular cartilage — palatoquadrate (the cartilaginous, functional upper jaw of Elasmobranchii and Holocephali and the embryonic upper jaw of other gnathostome vertebrates. In adult Dipnoi, Crossopterygii and Actinopterygii, produces the autopalatine, metapterygoid… … Dictionary of ichthyology
maxillar cartilage — palatoquadrate (the cartilaginous, functional upper jaw of Elasmobranchii and Holocephali and the embryonic upper jaw of other gnathastome vertebrates. In adult Dipnoi, Crossopterygii and Actinopterygii, produces the autopalatine, metapterygoid… … Dictionary of ichthyology
os autopalatinum — (plural ossa autopalatina)) autopalatine (a paired deep bone on the roof of the mouth, lateral to the prevomer (or vomer). Often called palatines. Usually overlain by the dermal, often tooth bearing bone, the dermopalatine) … Dictionary of ichthyology
os dermopalatinum — (plural ossa dermopalatina)) dermopalatine (the paired dermal bone covering the undersurface of the autopalatines (q.v.) which are commonly called palatines, especially when the dermopalatine and autopalatine fuse) … Dictionary of ichthyology
os pterygoideum — (plural ossa pterygoidea)) pterygoid (a paired dermal bone between the autopalatine and the endopterygoid in the roof of the mouth (of the palatoquadrate). See also ectopterygoid) … Dictionary of ichthyology